
Back in the day I used to play on an account where I had an Obsidian Nightwing as an award for recruiting one of my friends.

I've always been obsessed with an idea to have it on the account I currently play without having to find someone to recruit.

If you want to do the same thing, you should:

  1. Make sure both Battle.net accounts belong to you. Let's say Account A is the account with the desired mount, and Account B is the destination account.
  2. Level a character to level 20 on Account A (since you're able to play up to level 20 without having to subscribe)
  3. Learn the riding skill and mount up using the desirable mount (Obsidian Nightwing, Zhevra, X-53 Touring Rocket or such)
  4. Log out while mounted.
  5. Contact Battle.net support (I did it with Live Chat) and ask to have your WoW account moved under a different Battle.net license (Account B)
  6. When done, log into Account B with the character you leveled and mounted up with.
Note that I'm talking about achievement-earned mounts, such as RaF mounts. Pretty sure it can't be used to dupe Ashes of Al'ar and other 'common' mounts.

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