Barbarian (The Arathi, Last Clan of Arathor)
Defining Characteristics:
Taller and physically larger than default Humans.
Vrykul culture, tattoos, war paints and hairstyles.
Vrykul race fantasy.
Physique: Heavy
- Warrior
- Hunter
- Shaman
- Priest
- Death Knight
Lore: Long secluded from the rest of Azeroth and its conflicts, the last clan of Arathor has battled an ancient territorial conflict against the Forest Trolls in the forests of the Hinterlands and the Arathi Highlands since the Troll Wars. Kazra’jin’s death at the Isle of Thunder threw the Forest Troll tribes into turmoil, giving the warriors of Strom a chance to deliver the Forest Trolls a decisive defeat. As the Forest Trolls retreated to the kinship of the Horde, the last of the Arathi emerged from the Hinterlands victorious, seeking new enemies worthy of their strength.
Warriors and Hunters continue Vrykul traditions and reverence of Odyn. Arathi Shaman are the ones who constructed the Arathi Stonehenges. Priests revere the Valkyr.
Notable Characters:
- Thoradin, King of Arathor
- Ignaeus Trollbane
- Arnold Croman
Lighter physique than default Humans, with slightly pointed ears.
Human culture with high Magic influence.
More colorful hair options.
Human Race Fantasy, but with lighter physique (opposite of Barbarian).
Physique: Light
- Warrior
- Paladin
- Hunter
- Rogue
- Priest
- Mage
- Monk
- Death Knight
Lore: Since the days of the High Elves in the Alliance of Lordaeron, there have been Half Elves in the service of the Alliance. Half Elves are the hybrid offspring of both a human and a high elf.
Notable Characters:
- Alodi
- Kalec (appearance)
Dark, ash gray skin contrasting fiery red eyes and hair. Formally evil, so they act like Hell’s Angels Bikers. Still loyal to the Alliance.
Duergar Race Fantasy.
Physique: Normal
- Warrior
- Hunter
- Rogue
- Priest
- Mage
- Monk
- Warlock
- Death Knight
Lore: The Dark Iron Forgeguard led by Queen-Regent Moira aided in the defense of Ironforge against the Frostmane tribe and the Zandalari ambassador, Hekima, on Shimmer Ridge in Dun Morogh. They defeated their enemies and gained the respect of King Wrynn and the other members of the Council.
Notable Characters:
- Thaelin Darkanvil
- Coren Direbrew
Runic tattoos and wilder hairstyles. Much more body hair.
Celtic influenced culture, Heavy drinkers, loyal to the Alliance.
Closely allied with Arathi Humans. Celtic Race Fantasy
Physique: Normal
- Warrior
- Hunter
- Rogue
- Priest
- Shaman
- Monk
- Death Knight
Lore: Wildhammer dwarves are feral and untamed, prone to revelry, shamanism and daring acts of bravery (and stupidity). They eschew technological gadgets in favor of nature magic and straightforward weapons, including their famous stormhammers. Wildhammer dwarves are famous across Azeroth for their unique relationship with gryphons. They treat these noble creatures as equals rather than mounts or pets. The gryphons respond to their handlers’ respect, and are steadfast and resolute in return. This close relationship produces the most famous Wildhammer dwarves: the gryphon riders, heroes of the Second and Third Wars.
Notable Characters:
- High Thane Khardros Wildhammer
- Kurdran Wildhammer
- Falstad Wildhammer
Irradiated green skin with visible sores. Faded white eyes. Sickly thin.
Erratic personalities, but mostly cured.
Diseased Gnome Fantasy??
Physique: Light
- Warrior
- Hunter
- Rogue
- Death Knight
- Mage
- Warlock
Lore: Leper gnomes are a diseased, twisted, violent and mutated race of gnomes who once wandered through the irradiated halls of Gnomeregan. Their minds left crazed by the irradiation of their city, the leper gnomes attacked any who dared to enter their city, believing them to be trogg invaders. In recent times, a cure for the Leper gnomes violent insanity has been found, and slowly but surely a number of affected Gnomes are finding their place back with their brethren. While their minds are clear, their bodies are still addled by the destruction caused by the radiation.
Notable Characters:
Mechagnome Features
Varying degrees of ‘cyberization’,
Mechagnome Fantasy
Physique: Heavy
- Warrior
- Hunter
- Rogue
- Mage
- Warlock
Lore: Since Yogg-Saron’s defeat at Ulduar, the Watcher Mimiron has been working with the brightest Gnomish scientists to reverse-engineer the Curse of Flesh. In their experiments, they were able to partially re-originate a Gnome’s structural mainframe, accidentally creating hideous abominations. V.2 was much more successful.
Notable Characters: N/A
Defining Characteristics:
Notable Characters: N/A
Nightborne Elves (Nightborne of Suramar)
Defining Characteristics:
Taller, Darker Elves with lighter physique than Default Night Elves.
Unique Highborne Culture, revolving around heavy use of magic.
Drow Elf Race Fantasy
Physique: Light
- Warrior
- Hunter
- Rogue
- Priest
- Mage
- Warlock
Lore: The Nightborne were once night elves of Suramar. The Great Sundering blasted most of Suramar to the bottom of the Great Sea, although some of it remained above shore in the Broken Isles due to the efforts of the resident Highborne, who crafted a magical shield that kept the center of their city together. This shield would stay up for 10,000 years, as the Highborne believed the world outside of Suramar had been destroyed. Under their shield they would evolve into the Nightborne, addicted to and reliant on their source of power, the Nightwell.
Notable Characters:
Notable Characters:
Four legged form with antlers and leafy hair. Right arm is made of wood. Heavy emphasis on Druidism and nature. Dryad Race Fantasy Cannot mount, instead get Running Wild and Ancient Wisp flight form.
Physique: Heavy
- Warrior
- Hunter
- Rogue
- Priest
- Druid
Lore: Cenarius' children are literally the offspring of the demigod Cenarius. Centaurs are his bastard children, while dryads are his daughters and keepers of the grove are his sons. They share the culture of the night elves, although most live apart from the kaldorei as wardens of nature. Throughout history, many of Cenarius’ Children have accompanied Night Elven Heroes to distant lands in search of adventure.
Notable Characters:
- Remulos
- Califax
- Lunara
Eredar (Uncorrupted Survivors of Argus)
Defining Characteristics: Lighter Physique than Default Draenei. Much longer hair, tails and antlers. Heavy magic users, like the Highborne. “Elegant” Draenei Fantasy
Physique: Light
- Warrior
- Paladin
- Hunter
- Rogue
- Priest
- Mage
- Warlock
Lore: The eredar are a species of supremely talented magic-wielders who arose on the planet Argus countless millennia ago. Exceptionally skilled in magic, their mastery of the arcane arts is renowned throughout the scattered worlds of the Great Dark Beyond. Led by three wise and powerful leaders — Kil'jaeden, Archimonde and Velen — they built a vast civilization of wondrous cities and a peaceful way of life on their home world. Since the Burning Legion’s conquest of their home and people, many Eredar have travelled alongside the Army of the Light in search of justice.
Notable Characters:
Notable Characters:
- Velen
Smaller and more deformed than the Default Draenei.
Mutated appearance caused by exposure to Fel Magic.
Twisted Mutant fantasy.
Physique: Heavy
- Shaman
- Warrior
- Hunter
- Rogue
- Mage
- Warlock
Lore: Though the draenei were thought by many to have been completely wiped out by the orcs' genocide, Illidan and his forces discovered a surviving village in Outland during their flight from Azeroth. Their inhabitants, ruled by Akama, swore allegiance to Illidan in return for his liberating them from orcish and demonic oppression. Having been corrupted by demonic influences, they lost some of their former draenei abilities, and their already Broken forms were further altered, causing them to become the sub-species known as the Broken draenei. Recently, Akama and his Broken followers have retaken their sacred Black Temple, and are ready to join the fight for Azeroth.
Notable Characters:
Notable Characters:
More pronounced Wolf appearance.
Larger physique.
Upright Posture Are ancient Night Elves, not Gilnean Human.
Stronger Worgen Physique Fantasy
Physique: Heavy
Lore: The Druids of the Scythe are a sect of druids who advocated the use of the Pack Form during the War of the Satyr. Originally calling themselves Druids of the Pack, they shapeshifted into a powerful yet unwieldy form that embodied the fury of the wolf Ancient Guardian, Goldrinn. They called this form the Pack Form, a form that turned them into wolves. Although powerful, the Pack Form tended to turn the druids feral. Malfurion Stormrage prohibited the use of this form because it couldn't be controlled. However, the Druids of the Pack continued to practice the form in secret, but eventually lost themselves to the form's feral rage. They were eventually brought under the leadership of Ralaar Fangfire, who promised them a way to tame the Pack Form. Today, surviving night elven worgen fight alongside the Alliance against any threat they face.
Notable Characters:
Ralaar Fangfire
Defining Characteristics:
Larger physique.
Upright Posture Are ancient Night Elves, not Gilnean Human.
Stronger Worgen Physique Fantasy
Physique: Heavy
- Warrior
- Hunter
- Rogue
- Priest
- Death Knight
- Mage
- Monk
- Druid
Lore: The Druids of the Scythe are a sect of druids who advocated the use of the Pack Form during the War of the Satyr. Originally calling themselves Druids of the Pack, they shapeshifted into a powerful yet unwieldy form that embodied the fury of the wolf Ancient Guardian, Goldrinn. They called this form the Pack Form, a form that turned them into wolves. Although powerful, the Pack Form tended to turn the druids feral. Malfurion Stormrage prohibited the use of this form because it couldn't be controlled. However, the Druids of the Pack continued to practice the form in secret, but eventually lost themselves to the form's feral rage. They were eventually brought under the leadership of Ralaar Fangfire, who promised them a way to tame the Pack Form. Today, surviving night elven worgen fight alongside the Alliance against any threat they face.
Notable Characters:
Ralaar Fangfire
Silverpine Worgen (Partial Transformation)
Defining Characteristics:
Less pronounced Wolf appearance. Smaller Physique. Upright Posture
Gilnean Humans who have only been partially affected by the Worgen curse.
Wolfman/Teen Wolf Fantasy
Physique: Light
- Warrior
- Hunter
- Rogue
- Priest
- Death Knight
- Mage
- Monk
- Druid
Lore: The worgen curse that started from Shadowfang Keep and swept across Gilneas and Silverpine Forest left its people irrevocably transformed. Almost the entire human population has been turned to the beastly worgen. Gilnean mages and healers went to great strides to fight the affliction, and as a result the effects of the Worgen curse have been significantly minimized. The curse now only partially transforms the afflicted, allowing them to retain more human properties.
Notable Characters:
Half Orc (Orcish Draenic Halfbreeds)
Defining Characteristics:
Upright Posture. More Human Proportions. Warcraft 3 Blademaster / Garona Physique.
Half-Draenei are rare, but proud members of the Horde. Lantresor’s old clan of Blademasters. Upright Orc Posture Fantasy / Garona Halforcen Fantasy
Physique: Normal (equally heavy males, just upright)
- Warrior
- Hunter
- Rogue
- Priest
- Death Knight
- Mage
- Monk
- Shaman
Lore: A half-draenei is the offspring of one draenei parent or half-draenei and another species such as an orc. Garona, and her son Med'an, show little draenei features like shiny eyes or chin spines on the latter, instead looking almost entirely orcish. Half-orc half-draenei is the full name to describe the race when one they are part half-orc and part half-draenei. Half-draenei Orcs have long fought alongside the Orcish Horde, serving as Blademasters and Assassins without equal.
Notable Characters:
Defining Characteristics:
Larger Physique. Taller and Stronger.
Skin tones ranging from Brown to Orange.
Rexxar Race Fantasy
Physique: Heavy
Notable Characters:
- Lantresor of the Blade
- Garona Halforcen
Half Ogre (Mok’nathal Clan)
Defining Characteristics:
Larger Physique. Taller and Stronger.
Skin tones ranging from Brown to Orange.
Rexxar Race Fantasy
Physique: Heavy
- Warrior
- Hunter
- Death Knight
- Shaman
Lore: Half-ogres, whom the orcs call mok'nathal, are created in the rare unions of orcs and ogres. Orcs originally bred half-ogres to combine the power of an ogre with the intelligence and cunning of an orc. However, half-ogres proved to be more stubborn than either race, bearing a horrendous independent streak. Little could change a half-ogre's mind once set, so the project was scrapped. Shamanistic orcs honored half-ogres as noble and savage creatures of the land, but quickly the race dwindled, as few orcs would willingly breed with the gigantic ogres.
Recently, half-ogres reappeared in the world following the exploits of Rexxar, Champion of the Horde, the greatest Mok'nathal to ever live. While still rare, more and more half-ogres come out of the woods each day, trying to find a place to call their own.
Even in the presence of friends, a half-ogre is quiet and withdrawn, uncomfortable around creatures that talk back. A half-ogre would choose to be out hunting or exploring a new wilderness rather than take a drink at a bar.
Notable Characters:
Recently, half-ogres reappeared in the world following the exploits of Rexxar, Champion of the Horde, the greatest Mok'nathal to ever live. While still rare, more and more half-ogres come out of the woods each day, trying to find a place to call their own.
Even in the presence of friends, a half-ogre is quiet and withdrawn, uncomfortable around creatures that talk back. A half-ogre would choose to be out hunting or exploring a new wilderness rather than take a drink at a bar.
Notable Characters:
- Rexxar
- Leoroxx
Forest Troll (Last of the Amani)
Defining Characteristics:
Larger Physique. Taller and Stronger. Mossy Green Skin.
Long at war with the Arathi Humans.
Forest Troll Race Fantasy
Physique: Heavy
- Warrior
- Hunter
- Death Knight
- Mage
- Warlock
- Druid
- Shaman
Lore: Long before the rise and fall of the kingdoms of men, the Amani trolls of Lordaeron had built an enormous troll empire. After centuries of war and hate, an alliance of elves and humans finally dealt a crushing blow to the Amani when they defeated a great troll army at the foot of the Alterac Mountains. The empire did not recover from the defeat, and the trolls never rose as one nation again. Yet some forest trolls survived, each generation nurturing their hatred of the elves in the dark forests of the north for thousands of years.
Defining Characteristics:
Lighter Physique. Taller and Thinner. Pale, Sandy Skin.
Last surviving remnants of Tanaris Trolls.
Sand Troll Race Fantasy
Physique: Light
Sand Troll (Last of the Farraki)
Defining Characteristics:
Lighter Physique. Taller and Thinner. Pale, Sandy Skin.
Last surviving remnants of Tanaris Trolls.
Sand Troll Race Fantasy
Physique: Light
- Warrior
- Hunter
- Rogue
- Priest
- Mage
- Warlock
- Monks
- Shaman
Lore: Several thousand years prior to the War of the Ancients, the Sandfury tribe was originally part of the Gurubashi empire. The Great Sundering split the jungle trolls' territory, which left the Sandfury tribe in the middle of the desert of Tanaris. Long ago the Sandfury waged a brutal war against the qiraji. The martyr Theka was slain and thus Zul'Farrak still stands because of his brave sacrifice. The trolls have been forced to give up the majority of Tanaris to outsiders, and are thus fierce to defend what remains theirs.
Notable Characters:
Notable Characters:
- Sul the Sandcrawler
Highmountain Tauren (The Highmountain Tribe)
Defining Characteristics:
Altered Physique.
More Moose-like Faces.
Aboriginal Canadian Culture / Aesthetic.
Moose Tauren Fantasy
Physique: Normal
- Warrior
- Hunter
- Priest
- Druid
- Monks
- Shaman
Lore: The Highmountain are descendants of the hero Huln Highmountain, also known as "Huln of the Eagle Spear". During the War of the Ancients, 10,000 years ago, he united the warring Rivermane, Bloodtotem, and Skyhorn tribes of his homeland under the banner of the Highmountain. Huln was chosen by Krasus to lead his people against the Burning Legion alongside Unng Ak of the jalgar and Dungard Ironcutter of the earthen. For his bravery during the war, Huln received a blessing from the Wild God Cenarius, so that his people would forever have the demigod's favor: the Horns of Eche'ro, which transformed the horns of Huln and his followers into moose-like antlers.
Notable Characters:
- Huln Highmountain
- Mayla Highmountain
Taunka (Winter Tauren of Northrend)
Defining Characteristics:
Shorter, Wider Physique. Bison Appearance.
Inuit Aboriginal Culture / Aesthetic.
Bison Tauren Fantasy
Physique: Heavy
- Warrior
- Hunter
- Priest
- Death Knight
- Druid
- Monks
- Shaman
Lore: The taunka, ancient relatives of the tauren, were thought to be lost until rediscovered by Garrosh Hellscream and his orc forces upon their arrival on Northrend. Like their ancestral relations the tauren, the taunka are a hardy people who have given their allegiance to the Horde. They, like their distant cousins the tauren, are involved with the spirits of the land, though after living for so long in such a harsh environment as Northrend they tend to bully the elements rather than ask them to keep their region habitable. Although they appear similar to the tauren, they resemble bison more than cattle.
Notable Characters:
Defining Characteristics:
More Human Appearance, Upright Physique. Recently Dead Human Undead.
Memory of living life slightly intact, but slipping over time.
Dark Souls Accursed Undead Fantasy
Physique: Normal
Lore: The Forsaken undead or simply Forsaken are a race and faction of intelligent undead who broke away from the Scourge and took control of much of the kingdom of Lordaeron, destroyed during the Third War by the death knight Arthas. These undead men and women have been recently raised into the service of the Forsaken by the Banshee Queen, Lady Sylvanas Windrunner.
Notable Characters:
Notable Characters:
- Roanauk Icemist
- Akiak
Recently Deceased (Newly Risen Forsaken)
Defining Characteristics:
More Human Appearance, Upright Physique. Recently Dead Human Undead.
Memory of living life slightly intact, but slipping over time.
Dark Souls Accursed Undead Fantasy
Physique: Normal
- Warrior
- Hunter
- Rogue
- Priest
- Death Knight
- Mage
- Warlock
- Monk
Lore: The Forsaken undead or simply Forsaken are a race and faction of intelligent undead who broke away from the Scourge and took control of much of the kingdom of Lordaeron, destroyed during the Third War by the death knight Arthas. These undead men and women have been recently raised into the service of the Forsaken by the Banshee Queen, Lady Sylvanas Windrunner.
Notable Characters:
- Lilian Voss
- Nathanos Blightcaller
Skeleton (Long Dead Forsaken)
Defining Characteristics:
Skeletal appearance. Just bones wearing armor. Only gender difference is size.
Sentient, but no memory of past.
Leoric Race Fantasy
Physique: Heavy (Male), Light (Female)
- Warrior
- Hunter
- Rogue
- Priest
- Death Knight
- Mage
- Warlock
- Monk
Lore: Skeletons are mindless automatons of death, magical constructs made from the bones of the dead. Most skeletons are raised from battlefields and thus are often seen still clothed in rotting garments and rusting armor. Some skeletons still fight with the weapons they died clutching. Others, specifically created only by the most advanced necromancers, are able to cast magical spells. Other skeletons that have retained their full consciousness include Devlin Agamand and Obrahiim, the Traveler. Sentient skeletons fill the ranks of the Forsaken.
Notable Characters:
- Lurid
- Mor'Ladim
- Bloodmage Thalnos
Darkfallen Elves (Undead Elves, Former San’layn)
Defining Characteristics:
Undead High Elves. Vampiric Appearance.
Gameplay Blood Elves, Forsaken in the Lore.
Sylvanas Race Fantasy
Physique: Normal
- Warrior
- Hunter
- Rogue
- Death Knight
- Mage
- Warlock
- Monk
Lore: In the aftermath of the Third War, the blood elves were cut off from their source of magic, the Sunwell. Desperate for aid, their prince Kael'thas Sunstrider pledged allegiance to Illidan Stormrage who granted them a new source of magic. Together with their new allies, the blood elves went to Northrend in an attempt to destroy the Lich King, seeking to avenge their fallen brethren. The blood elves were defeated by Arthas, who raised the most powerful ones into his service as darkfallen of the San'layn. Since the Lich King’s defeat, many surviving San’layn regained their free will, and have been welcomed into the Horde by the Banshee Queen, Lady Sylvanas Windrunner.
Notable Characters:
- Blood-Queen Lana'thel
- Prince Taldaram
- Sylvanas Windrunner (Appearance)
Half Blood Elf (Half Elves, Loyal to the Horde)
Defining Characteristics:
Heavier Physique. Pure Fighters.
Half-human Elves that had stayed with the Blood Elves until today. Exposed to Fel.
“Less Pretty, More Gritty” Blood Elf Race Fantasy
Physique: Heavy
- Warrior
- Paladin
- Hunter
- Rogue
- Priest
- Death Knight
- Mage
- Warlock
- Monk
Lore: Half-blood elf is the term used to describe the offspring of humans and blood elves. Among the surviving Blood Elven population are Blood Halfelves, equally loyal to the Farstriders. Minor Fel corruption has made them more aggressive and dominant than their Alliance counterparts.
Notable Characters:
Defining Characteristics:
Notable Characters:
- Arator the Redeemer
- Galadin and Giramar
Undermine Goblin (Unrelenting Capitalists)
Defining Characteristics:
Males are short and fat. Females are taller.
Disgusting displays of Capitalism.
Pretty much the worst people ever Race Fantasy
Physique: Heavy (Male), Light (Female)
- Warrior
- Hunter
- Rogue
- Death Knight
- Mage
- Warlock
Lore: "I never cover up the things I'm proud of. If the world was gonna split in half tomorrow, I’d buy the Dark Portal, slap a toll booth on it, and charge refugees the last of their pocket change, the rings off their fingers, a bite of their sandwiches, and a contractual obligation to build me a rocket palace in the skies of Nagrand. It’s the goblin way! Supply and demand! Deal with it!"
Notable Characters:
- Jastor Gallywix
- Boss Mida
Slightly larger, Purple, and look completely insane.
Goblin alchemical experiment success.
Not currently in WoW, but ancient concept art.
Physique: Heavy
- Warrior
- Hunter
- Rogue
- Shaman
- Mage
- Warlock
Lore: "...Those purple-skinned guys. We call them hobgoblins. They were originally goblins, of course, but now they're bigger, stronger and much stupider. They aren't so good at thinking about things, but they make great shock troops. And we don't have to feel bad about sending them into battle on the front lines, because they have a life expectancy of only three years anyway." Failed Hobgoblin procedures result in the creation of lumbering oafs.
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