
I discovered a simple exploit, that while it will be short lived due to needing to remount etc, can be used to collect treasures from around Draenor, complete the bonus objectives by collecting nodes instead of fighting the mobs, and exploration. The exploit is simply useful for druids in the pursuit of completing the achievement necessary to be able to fly. At that point, this becomes useless but until then it will help me (at least) in completing the last few things so that I can fly normally.

The events that took place was the collection of [book of flight form] from a rare mob in Ashran and the use of said book. Then, I left Ashran and flew into Draenor and while the book's buff went away I was still allowed to maintain flight form. I have yet to attempt to shapeshift out. I will post an update on that later once I have completed my goals. This is currently working as of July 13th, 2016 

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