
Blizzard have really gotten embroiled in the expansion and overhaul of their flagship MMORPG World of Warcraft, as it seems like they're already planning past the Legion expansion content-wise, even though that much-awaited and hyped chunk of new content hasn't launched yet. A day ago, patch 7.1, the first post-Legion patch, called Return to Karazhan, has been announced, and details regarding the tweaks and content it will bring are already available.

So what exactly are we looking at? The titular area, Karazhan, will be back as a 5-player dungeon, featuring 9 bosses. To make a long story short: it will be an area well suited for farming items and gathering resources. In addition to that, there's also going to be a small raid amidst the Emerald Nightmare and the Nighthold, with an actual impact on the storyline: this bit is supposed to wrap up the Stormheim story.

The Nightfallen story will progress as well with the patch: there will be some outdoor Suramar content for this purpose. The great news about patch 7.1 is that players will be able to put it to the test early, as the PTR goes live right after the launch of Legion on August 30.

Among a myriad of tweaks and changes, not to mention tons of new content, Legion will see the return of one of the iconic heroes of the WOW universe, Ilidan. The expansion will include some Destiny-inspired content too, as we have pointed out before, in the mysterious salesman Xur.

Philip Thalberg is tasked with The International coverage at Gosugamers.net. 
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