
This guide is a more lucrative version of my guide in the general section, intended to be shared here in the elite section. It has some tips that the general guide doesn't have and these will get you way more gold in the start of the release. This guide is targeted towards people who want to earn A LOT of gold and spend a lot of time crating and rushing professions.

Disclaimer: This guide is written before Legion release so the prices, drop rarity of materials, proficieny gain and etc. are all subject to change. I'll do my best to keep this updated with blue posts and I'll change it up until legion release to make sure it has the correct information.
One of the most desired items in early Legion that everyone will need are Relics. They drop and can be crafted by Blacksmiths, Enchanters, Engineers and Inscriptors. The relics can be socketed into your artifacts and give bonus ranks to traits of your artifact. A lot of people want to enchance artifacts early, especially hardcore raiders. If you're familiar with old meta gems then you'll find similarities between relics and those. The relics also INCREASE ILVL which hardcore raiders and anyone wanting to do heroic dungeons early will be looking after. The rare crafted relics give your artifact +31 iLvl and the epic ones that drop from raids give +43 item levels. Relics can be upgraded up which also makes them desireable for people looking to increase their iLvl.

Quests and world quests give ilvl 670-815 Relics (+2-33 on your artifact). World quests have a chance to upgrade relics to a higher quality.
Normal dungeons give ilvl 700-805+ Relics (+2-31 ilvls on your artifact)
Crafted Relics are 805 ilvl (+31 ilvls on your artifact). Crafted relics CANNOT be upgraded with Obliterum though.
Heroic Dungeons give 825+ Relics (+36 ilvls on your artifact)
Emerald Nightmare & Nighthold LFR gives 835+ Relics (+39 ilvls on your artifact)

Relics fit different relic slots and different specs use different slots. There's:

Blood relic slots (12 specs have these!)
  • Shadow relic slots (11 specs have these!)
  • Iron relic slots (12 specs have these! All tanks except for guardian druids)
  • Storm relic slots (10 specs have these!)
  • Fel relic slots (5 specs have these)
  • Fire relic slots (9 specs have these where 2 are tank specs)
  • Frost relic slots (8 specs have these where 3 are healers)
  • Arcane relic slots (All mages have these + 2 tanks)
  • Life relic slots (10 specs have where all healers except disc have them)
  • Holy relic slots (5 specs have these which are palas and priests except shadow)

Now this means that the most relic slots (blood, iron and shadow) will be in high demand considering the amount of specs requiring them. The crafting cost of relics are relatively high. You'll need etc. Infernal Brimstone, Felwort or other relevant crafting materials. Now these are really rare to drop from mining, skinning or herbing and can take some time to farm. They also cost Blood of Sargeras which are BoP and take some time to get.

If you've read general guide, then you know that obliterum will be important in Legion for upgrading crafted items. Getting 100 ash won't be easy unless you craft and obliterate a lot of items or few costing a lot of materials. They main way to earn a lot of gold early for any profession is getting the obliterate forge ASAP. Rush for the obliterum forge, maybe even spend a lot of gold to get it, and then spam trade chat when you get it. People are gonna pay you so much gold to craft and/or destroy their stuff.

To get the Obliterum Forge you'll need to do a long quest chain that'll require 4 CRAFTED BRACERS. These bracers are made from Tailoring (1), Blacksmithing (1) and Leatherworking (2). The quest is called Trial By Fel Fire. I'll get back to the importance of the bracers required in each profession that can create them.

Rate of possible gold gain: [8/10]

~~~RELICS~~~ $$$$$ = 10-15k profit per relic
People need relics for Class Order Halls and a lot of people want to rush their class order halls and artifacts. These will have a low material cost and there will be lots of sales. Could be very profitable if you focused on crafting and selling mostly relics the first days.

Blacksmiths can make relics for Holy, Fire, Iron and Blood relic sockets. That's 4 out of 10 possible socket types. Blacksmiths can make relics for 2 of the top 3 relic slot types. Blacksmiths focusing on relics will earn A LOT. The profit of each relic might not be high, but so many people are going to need them.

~~~ARMBANDS~~~ $$$$$ = 5-15k profit per armband
The bracers required for making the Obliterum Forge are crafted by tailoring, blacksmithing and leatherworking. As a blacksmith you can produce Demonsteel Armguards and sell these in huge amounts. And they don't cost uncommon or rare items! Just demonsteel bars and stormscale. EVERYONE that needs to craft something in Legion are going to need these bracers, and you can make one of them. I'd suggest focusing on Relics and armbands as a blacksmith the first few days.

Rate of possible gold gain: [7/10]
~~~RELICS~~~ $$$$$ = 10-15k profit per relic
Same goes for enchanters as for blacksmiths. People are going to need relics and enchanters can make 2 relics. BUT! Enchanters can only make 2 type of relics which are Shadow and Arcane. It's still a high demand but not as much as the ones blacksmiths can make.

Rate of possible gold gain: [5/10]
~~~RELICS~~~ $$$$$ = 10-15k profit per relic
People are going to need relics and engineers can make 2 relics. BUT! Engineers can only make 2 type of relics which are Fel and Storm. Not many specs have Fel relic slots but a lot have Storm which is good in terms of potential buyers.

Rate of possible gold gain: [10/10]
I know that Leatherworking isn't highly rated in the general thread, but that's because I kept maybe one of the best ways to make gold at launch for this thread.

~~~ARMBANDS~~~ $$$$$ = 10-15k profit per armband
If you've read the above section about getting the obliterum forge, then you'll know that you require 4 bracers from 3 different professions. As a leatherworker you can create 2 of the 4. As everyone is going to need the obliterum forge, they're going to have to buy those bracers and you can make half of the ones they need. And the best part of it is that they cost ****ing nothing.

The mail armbands cost 150 stormscale and the leather armbands cost 80 stormscale and 55 stonehide leather. The most common gathering materials you'll get as a skinner. Now the best part of mass crafting these two leatherworking armbands and selling them is:

Most people with a gathering profession has skinning, making the materials cheaper by the minute on the AH during the first week.
Crafting tons of these bracers will increase your proficieny making them cheaper to make.

The cost of the armbands at different proficiency levels are:

Proficieny Leather Mail
1 55 Stonehide Leather & 80 Stormscale 150 Stonehide Leather
2 35 Stonehide Leather & 40 Stormscale 75 Stonehide Leather
3 35 Stonehide Leather 35 Stonehide Leather

Final words on Leatherworking: Now I'm certain that the prices on these bracers will fall a lot and FAST when people find out how important they are, and will start advertising that they're selling them cheaper than the others, and then it'll turn into the usual who-can-sell-it-cheaper war.

Rate of possible gold gain: [8/10]
~~~RELICS~~~ $$$$$ = 10-15k profit per relic
People are going to need relics and inscriptors can make 2 relics. BUT! Inscriptors can only make 2 type of relics which are Frost and Life. There's a lot of specs having these two types of relic slots, so there'll be a lot of potential buyers.

Rate of possible gold gain: [5/10]
~~~ARMBANDS~~~ $$$$$ = 5-15k profit per armband
The bracers required for making the Obliterum Forge are crafted by tailoring, blacksmithing and leatherworking. As a tailor you can produce Imbued Silkweave Bracers and sell these in huge amounts. And they don't cost uncommon or rare items! Just Imbued Silkweave, Stormscale and Runic Catgut. EVERYONE that needs to craft something in Legion are going to need these bracers, and you can make one of them.
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