Tuesday, July 18

Major exploit

  1. First things first you need [Underlight Angler]
  2. There is currently a spot in surmar where 6-7 pools spawn very oftern 
  3. Let the sharks you fish from the pools go to mail box
  4. Make a 40 man raid where everyone has 1-5 sharks in mail box
  5. All go somewhere with a lot of space
  6. Someone throw down a mail box
  7. All loot one shark
  8. You have 1 minute from looting
  9. All throw sharks in center
  10. Kill every shark
  11. Loot everyones sharks (also works with murlocs)
  12. Level fishing rod up super fast (each shark gives 7-9 rare fish!!!!!!!

This is pretty amazing and works right now!

Gold farmers now have something else to sale on there website  fast levelling of artefact fishing rod 


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