
This is a breakdown of methods used to exit dungeons quickly and save massive amounts of time gold farming, increasing your hourly profits dramatically.

Essentially the main methods are:

  1. Go to the seat of knowledge in the vale of eternal blossoms, talk to pands, choose "brewmoon festival" teleport out, farm dungeon, teleport to scenario, teleport outside dungeon.
  2. Delete hearthstone - help - unstuck. Rez at dungeon start.
  3. Use class teleport method at end of dungeon, use return spell to take you outside dungeon. (monk, druid, dk only).
  4. Buy pinchwhistle nitro fuel, put down cooking fire at end of dungeon, drink fuel, burn yourself to death rez at dungeon end.
  5. Form group on premade group finder, leave group while in instance, get ported outside entrance after one minute.
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