
Poker is not a difficult game to play. It, in fact, has some fairly simple rules that one can internalise just in a few good hours. What matters more than how you play, however, is understanding strategies involved in poker. Some key poker strategies not only get you into the psyche of your opponent, but it also helps you when you hit a tough patch in the game. Here's our pick of the top five strategies to help you 'ace' the game, literally!

Kill The Tilt
Tilt kicks in when you've lose a string of hands at the table. This loss leads to emotional frustration and desperation. Riding on this emotional wave, players often make game choices that aren't optimal, in turn leading to bigger dents on the pocket. If you see yourself leaning towards a tilt, take a break from your game. Read a book, talk to a friend, take a walk or even try your hand at a free table. Anything to break that string of anxiety! Understand that playing in tilt is going to do more harm than good. Also, it happens to everyone. You don't need to worry about losing your poker skills or never being good enough. It's just about coming back refreshed.

Don't Play Bad Games
This strategy is more about your opponents than you. If you're on a table where there really isn't somebody who is consistently performing poorly, you need to get off that table at once. You're not going to get much out of playing against opponents who are on a winning streak. It's about being realistic. Don't drag your feet stubbornly in poor games that you eventually won't win. A regular hand is not enough - you need a winning hand. And if you don't have one, don't carry a corpse with you. A good game will come around soon enough, but don't sabotage your stack for average games.

Blend Technology With Experience
There's nothing to beat your experience and practical learning of poker. The more you play, the more seasoned you become. But, that's not to say that technological aids don't add value. If you're playing online poker, there are many software that can help your chances of winning. The HUD is a great kickstart you can give your game by getting a sneak-peak into the game history of a player. While some foreign bookmakers or bookmakers stranieri known locally in the casino haven of Italy may approve of it, some may not. Similarly there are also mathematical models that help ascertain the probability of a blind hand. These tactics aid your natural experience and dexterity in the game.

Practice On Free Tables
This one is a no-brainer. It doesn't hurt to flex those brain juices on a free table every once in a while. One, you're playing without any monetary pressure of winning or losing. So your natural game tends to flow easily. Two, most free tables have newbie players who are still learning the ropes. This makes your chances of winning slightly higher. While you don't take home money, it does give you a great confidence boost and we can't deny how important that is.

Have A Long Term View
As paradoxical as it may sound, Poker is a long-term game. While you can't let short-term wins put you on a wave, you definitely should not let short-term losses put you down. As a thumb rule, set as some bank roll for everyday play. On a bad day if you've spent it all, exit the game on principle. But, internalise the fact that you need thousands and thousands of hands and games of poker to stay in the positive. Don't expect to soar on profits in the first few games.

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