
Over the course of 5 years, maybe 50 or so. In the end, one.

I've had plenty of people i've played with and added, but they either ceased appearing online and I removed them or we never actually played much after a few instances and I removed them.

However, my guild was where I knew the bulk of people and became really good friends outside of WoW! Was on the more casual end of things, but still raided from time-to-time and was one of the leaders for our PvP group. Long story short though, the two GM's got very unhappy with how things were going and started being real assholes when it came to raid and overall started making questionable decision not a lot of people liked, and started having ban tantrums. Needless to say that leadership went down fast. I was the first one to call them out and hopefully make them see reason, and instead I was struck down almost immediately, and from what I was shown, my messages were wiped from the discord and instead the GM told everyone that I was sexually harrassing all the females in the guild. After reaching out to a few of them, they were confused as to what the fuck and reassured me, because obviously I didn't, but I unfortunately never maintained connections them.

Time skip 'til recently, a year and a half later, from what i'm told the two GM's who were a couple are no longer together, more people started standing up to them after I had, and the guild is now in shambles because their raid team disbanded themselves, a LOT of people were banned, and it's not but a handful of people who don't really play anymore.

So after all that...one. She was banned a couple weeks before me simply because the one female GM didn't like her and got rid of her for personal reasons. Her and I played a lot together though and are still good friends IRL! Although I often wish I could have maintained friendship with more of them...

Over the course of 5 years, maybe 50 or so. In the end, one.

I've had plenty of people i've played with and added, but they either ceased appearing online and I removed them or we never actually played much after a few instances and I removed them.

However, my guild was where I knew the bulk of people and became really good friends outside of WoW! Was on the more casual end of things, but still raided from time-to-time and was one of the leaders for our PvP group. Long story short though, the two GM's got very unhappy with how things were going and started being real assholes when it came to raid and overall started making questionable decision not a lot of people liked, and started having ban tantrums. Needless to say that leadership went down fast. I was the first one to call them out and hopefully make them see reason, and instead I was struck down almost immediately, and from what I was shown, my messages were wiped from the discord and instead the GM told everyone that I was sexually harrassing all the females in the guild. After reaching out to a few of them, they were confused as to what the fuck and reassured me, because obviously I didn't, but I unfortunately never maintained connections them.

Time skip 'til recently, a year and a half later, from what i'm told the two GM's who were a couple are no longer together, more people started standing up to them after I had, and the guild is now in shambles because their raid team disbanded themselves, a LOT of people were banned, and it's not but a handful of people who don't really play anymore.

So after all that...one. She was banned a couple weeks before me simply because the one female GM didn't like her and got rid of her for personal reasons. Her and I played a lot together though and are still good friends IRL! Although I often wish I could have maintained friendship with more of them...

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