
This is L Spiro's speedhack from mmOverload.
I'm using it to make insane amounts of gold or ores for my mining skill in wow. I am combining the speedhack with a noclip hack, such as the one found in WoW infinity or kryptonite - I suggest the legit version of WOW inf or a version of kryptonite, can be the cracked version.

I have recently found out that this is the method that the chinese farmers use as well to grind the mines in winterspring, since a level 1 can get miningskill to level 450 it is quite easy and almost no loss if u get banned.

The rundown(using wow inf):
Open WoW and login.
enter game world

Load wow infinity(or other program)
type "superfly" <- so u wont fall through the world
type "noclip" so we can go below the ground to avoid attacks or player detection.

Load up L. Spiro's speedhack. (have wow opened)

First time startup
If it is the first time you load it then you will be asked to rename the program, i chose something like winamp
when all that is done:
Press "File -> Open process" (or ctrl + p) choose WoW.exe
go to "Tools -> Speedhack"
I will recommend a speed of 300% meaning:
Numerator: 3 <- make this value higher for bigger speeds
Denominator: 1

For 100% speed, have the numbers to be 1/1 = 100
200% = 2 / 1
for 50% speed if u would want that, put 1 / 2 . I hope you get the point :D

second or later startup
Now there is no reason to go in and open process every time, just choose open recent.

Go ingame and below ground and start doing your patrols for where you want to go and mine your way. I earned 800g within 40 mins with this while not paying full attention either.

This speedhack can be used on a lot of other games i imagine however i can not say if its safe or not. However, you cheat - you get caught ;)

Download link

This is so far the most usefull route:

For More World of Warcraft Exploits cheats, strategies and more, I recoment mmOverload

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  1. it would have helped for you to include links to the hack downloaders

  2. If he posted the links himself, he would then be able to be sued by blizzard. He told you the program you need, now it's up to the reader to seek out the prog


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