
Requirements: Must be Level 74+ (Alliance or Horde)

Pay Out: ~21,000 XP + ~6G Per Turn In

1. Head to Zul'Drak Zone.
2. Accept "Infiltrating Voltarus" quest from Stefan Vadu.

Quest Pre-requisites listed here: Quest: Infiltrating Voltarus - Thottbot: World of Warcraft

3. Head to Coordinates 29,47 (Voltarus floating overhead)
4. Teleport Up to Voltarus
5. Talk to Drakuru, accept "Dark Horizon" (Quest: Dark Horizon - Thottbot: World of Warcraft).
6. Turn left (if still facing Drakuru), talk to Gorebag and Ask for the Tour
7. When you return, turn in the "Dark Horizon" quest.
8. Teleport back down to ground.
9. Use 'Stefan's Horn' to summon Stefan
10. Open Quest Log, and ABANDON the "Inflitrating Voltarus" quest.
11. Talk to Stefan, and re-accept the "Inflitrating Voltarus" quest.
12. Teleport back up to Voltarus.
13. Accept quest "Dark Horizon" and keep repeating from step 5.

You can keep repeating the same "Dark Horizon" quest over-and-over by summoning Stefan and re-accepting the quest. DO NOT COMPLETE the quest called "Inflitrating Voltarus" though.

If you accidentally abandon the quest and lose 'Stefan's Horn', he's usually sitting down near the teleport pad area (underneath in the gooey liquid.) There are 3 copies of this NPC - one back at camp, one in the goo, and the one you can summon. If you make a mistake, you can re-accept from any one of those guys.

Flight is approx. 4 minutes long. So you're looking at 5-6 minutes for every Quest Turn in. Not exactly the most efficient, but it works.

Because of the type of quest-linking Blizzard did for this, I'd say this is simply working as intended and uses normal gaming mechanics.

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