How to PvE with Mutilate
Since I noticed there is no new „PvE Mutilate Guide” for 3.1 I decided to post one. Hopefully you understand all because there are some problems with writing a guide in English as a German.
1. Definition
2. Talent Specs + Glyphs
3. Weapons
4. Poisen / Buffood / Flask
5. Equip
6. Rotation
7. Hit & Exp Caps
8. Gems
9. AEP-Stats for Muti
10. Enchantments
11. Macros / Addons for Mutilate
1. Definition:
CP: Combo Points
MH: Mainhand
OH: Offhand
DPS: Damage per Second
Finisher: Finish move
HfB: Hunger for Blood
SnD: Slice and Dice
Env: Envenom
Rup: Rupture
IP: Instant Poison - MH
DP: Deadly Poison - OH
Muti: Mutilate
Evi: Eviscerate (Not needed)
FoK: Fan of Klives
Cap – When you hit cap it’s not needed to get more of this
Exp: Expertise, against evasion and parry
Hit: Hitrating, against fail attacks
Agi (Agility)
Crit (Crit Chance)
Armor Pen (Armor Penetration)
Haste (haste Rating)
AP (Attack Power)
Stam (Stamina)
Str (Strengh)
2. Talent Specs + Glyphs:
Best Talent Spec for Mutilace is 51/13/7 (When Expertise Cap not reached “Quick Recovery” instead of “Murder”)
Talent Spec and Glyphs:
Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft
3. Weapons:
Mainhand: Slow Dagger (1.8 Speed)
Offhand: Fast Dagger (1.4 Speed)
4. Poisen / Buffood / Flask:
80 AP – if Poisen and Exp Cap reached
40 Agi – if Poisen and Exp Cap reached
40 Hit – if under Poisen Cap
40 Exp – if under Exp Cap and Poisen Cap reached or nearly reached (300 Hit)
180 AP -
Mixture of Endless Rage - Item - World of Warcraft
120 AP -
Flask of Relentless Assault - Item - World of Warcraft
5. Equip:
Up to Ulduar ist he 4parts setbonus from T7.5 the best.
Rest of gear should be clear and can be looked up in the speedsheet.
PVE Armor Chart
Best in Slot Gear
There are some “best in slot gear” which can be found in 10people Ulduar.
Head -
Conqueror's Terrorblade Helmet - Item - World of Warcraft
Neck - Pendulum of Infinity
Shoulder -
Shoulderpads of the Intruder - Item - World of Warcraft / Councel Hardmode
Chest -
Conqueror's Terrorblade Breastplate - Item - World of Warcraft
Back -
Drape of the Faceless General - Item - World of Warcraft / General Hardmode
Wrist -
Mechanist's Bindings - Item - World of Warcraft / Flame Levi
Hands -
Conqueror's Terrorblade Gauntlets - Item - World of Warcraft
Waist -
Soul-Devouring Cinch - Item - World of Warcraft / Yoggi 10er Hardmode
Legs -
Conqueror's Terrorblade Legplates - Item - World of Warcraft
Feet -
Footpads of Silence - Item - World of Warcraft / Leatherworker
Ring 1 - Brann's Signet Ring / Uld25 Quest Reward
Ring 2 -
Loop of the Agile - Item - World of Warcraft / Councel 10er Hardmode
Trinket 1 -
Mjolnir Runestone - Item - World of Warcraft (maybe
Darkmoon Card: Greatness - Item - World of Warcraft better)
Trinket 2 -
Blood of the Old God - Item - World of Warcraft
Range -
Skyforge Crossbow - Item - World of Warcraft
Mainhand - 1.8 tempo
Fang of Oblivion - Item - World of Warcraft / Councel Hardmode
Offhand - 1.4 tempo Bladetwister / Freya Hardmode
6. Rotation:
- Bufftime (Food + Flask + Buffs)
- Tricks of the Trade on the Tank and open the combat with Garrote
- HfB then use Finisher SnD
- get CPs with Muti
- 4 CP Finisher Env (rebuilds SnD)
- get CPs with Muti
- 4 CPs Rup
- again getting CPs with Muti
- 4 CPs Finisher Env
--- Hold this Rotation
SnD and HfB should never end.
If Rup isn’t near end and you got spear CPs you could use Env. (Most time after Crit-luck)
More Raid DPS:
If you got a Hunter with you he shall use Missdirect on the Tank so you can cast your Tricks of the Trade on a Shadow-Priest. His Shadow Word: Pain will tick with 15% more DMG. If the Hunters start the combat with their String you can open with Mutilates (More DMG).
7. Hit und Exp:
Both for Bosses (lvl 83).
Exp - Cap 6.5% - 214 Exp
Hit – doesn’t need the Cap
Precision 5/5 in Talent Spec:
Hit without Raid-/Partybuffs:
Needed Hit for 1 Weapon attacks (Styles) = 99 Hit.
Needed Hit for Poisens = 315 Hit.
Hit with Heroic Presence / Improved Faerie Fire:
Needed Hit for 1 Weapon attacks (Styles) = 66 Hit.
Needed Hit for Poisens = 210 Hit.
Hit without Raid-/Partybuffs:
Needed Hit for 1 Weapon attacks (Styles) = 99 Hit.
Needed Hit for Poisens = 315 Hit.
Hit with Improved Faerie Fire:
Needed Hit for 1 Weapon attacks (Styles) = 99 Hit.
Needed Hit for Poisens = 237 Hit.
8. Gems:
Up to Exp Cap only Exp. After that no more Exp needed.
If you are above the 3.5% you will lose DMG. Look if you can change Gems then.
Hit up to Poisen Cap after that Agi / AP Gems.
Best Gems at the moment:
Meta Gem:
21 Agi / 3% More Crit DMG -
Relentless Earthsiege Diamond - Item - World of Warcraft
Red Gem:
16 Agi -
Delicate Scarlet Ruby - Item - World of Warcraft
32 AP -
Bright Scarlet Ruby - Item - World of Warcraft
16 Exp -
Precise Scarlet Ruby - Item - World of Warcraft
Yellow Gem:
16 Hit -
Rigid Autumn's Glow - Item - World of Warcraft
Purple Gem:
16 Ap / 12 Sta -
Balanced Twilight Opal - Item - World of Warcraft
8 Agi / 12 Sta -
Shifting Twilight Opal - Item - World of Warcraft
8 Exp / 12 Sta -
Guardian's Twilight Opal - Item - World of Warcraft
Green Gem:
8 Hit / 12 Stam -
Vivid Forest Emerald - Item - World of Warcraft
Orange Gem:
8 Exp / 8 Hit -
Accurate Monarch Topaz - Item - World of Warcraft
8 Agi / 8 Hit -
Glinting Monarch Topaz - Item - World of Warcraft
16 Ap / 8 Hit -
Pristine Monarch Topaz - Item - World of Warcraft
9. AEP-Stats for Muti:
AEP Stats = Agility Equivalence Points
A complete explication would be to much at this point, hopefully this is enough:
Bold are the strongest
1AP - 1.0
Agi - 1.9
Exp - 2.2
Crit - 1.7
Haste - 1.6
ArPen - 1.4
Str - 1.1
Hit (under Stylecap) - 2.9
Hit (under Giftcap) - 2.2
Hit (over both Caps) - 1.5
MH DPS 4.1
OH DPS 3.1
Short said:
Hit (up to Stylecap) => Exp (up to ExpCap) => Hit (up to Giftcap) => AP => Agi
10. Enchantments:
Head: - Reputation Knights of the Ebon Blade (Respectful)
- 50 AP 20 Crit -
Arcanum of Torment - Item - World of Warcraft
Shoulder: – Reputation Sons of Hodirs (Exalted)
- 40 AP 15 Crit -
Greater Inscription of the Axe - Item - World of Warcraft
- Inscription -
Master's Inscription of the Axe - Spell - World of Warcraft
- 22 Agi -
Enchant Cloak - Major Agility - Spell - World of Warcraft
- all Stats +10 -
Enchant Chest - Powerful Stats - Spell - World of Warcraft
- all Stats +8 -
Enchant Chest - Super Stats - Spell - World of Warcraft
- 50 AP -
Enchant Bracers - Greater Assault - Spell - World of Warcraft
- Leatherworker -
Fur Lining - Attack Power - Spell - World of Warcraft
- 20 Hit -
Enchant Gloves - Precision - Spell - World of Warcraft
- 15 Exp -
Enchant Gloves - Expertise - Spell - World of Warcraft
- 44 AP (Stärkste) -
Enchant Gloves - Crusher - Spell - World of Warcraft
Eternal Belt Buckle - Item - World of Warcraft
Legs: – Build by Leatherworker
- 75 AP 22 crit -
Icescale Leg Armor - Item - World of Warcraft
- Icewalker (12 crit / 12 Hit) -
Enchant Boots - Icewalker - Spell - World of Warcraft
Ring: – as Enchanter
- 32 AP -
Enchant Ring - Assault - Spell - World of Warcraft
- Berserker (Proc 400 AP 5% Armorreduce) -
Enchant Weapon - Berserking - Spell - World of Warcraft
- Mungo (120 Agi Proc) -
Enchant Weapon - Mongoose - Spell - World of Warcraft
11. Macros / Addons for Mutilate
HfB (Hunger for Blood):
#showtooltip Hunger for Blood
/cast Hunger for Blood
/run d=50; m=">>>> | HUNGER FOR BLOOD | <<<<" u=GetTime()+d t=u Minimap:SetScript("OnUpdate",function() if GetTime()>=t then UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage(m,0,1,0,1);t=nil;Minimap:SetScript("OnUpdate",nil)end end)
more colors:
red: UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage(m,1,0,0,1)
Green: UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage(m,0,1,0,1)
blue: UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage(m,0,0,1,1)
#showtooltip Mutilate
/cast Mutilate
Tricks of the Trade on Tank
#showtooltip Tricks of the Trade
/cast [target=targettarget] Tricks of the Trade
Pawn – Item compare over AEP (bit hard to handle)
RoguePowerBars – Show Poisens / Hunger of Blood / …
CooldownCount – Shows cooldowns
Recount – Best DMG-Meter
Omen – Best Aggrometer
Rating Buster – Compares Itemstats
Thank you for this :D
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