
Eye of the Storm Random BGs are the reason I lost faith in humanity. A bunch of people competing to carry a flag back to a tower they don't own and rather than help the people who have worked out the correct strategy just comment on it in /BG. "YOU IDIOTS THREE TOWERS ARE BETTER THAN FLAG CAPTURES". Nobody listens. And what results is a half hour of the human race at its worst. And the outcome owes more to chance and chaos than what the people playing intend to do.

And you can apply that to almost every field of human endeavour. Politics, Science, Economics, Journalism. Its all basically what goes on in Eye of the Storm on a massive and real scale. Except its not half as funny to push people off bridges in real life.

The author is Bludlemon, he made a tons of comics that ended up on WoW official fan art page.
There's more of it at supermegatopia although be warned some of the stuff can be nsfw'ish. The guy really, really likes women attributes.

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