
This trick will make you  to  fly with out a mount (and you will be able to cast/mount (even ground mounts)

1. First off you will need the quest "Flight Training: Full Speed Ahead"
2. Once you accept the quest a cloud serpent will come towards you, mount it.
3. Once you have mounted the cloud serpent you will see rings, fly through as many as you like, one is enough but you need to keep the buff. (the buff is called "Fleet Winds")
4. After you have the buff fly towards the hot air balloon shown on the picture.
Photo link:

5. Your screen will go black and you will still have the buff "Fleet Winds" on you and you will be able to fly into the air.

End result picture Photo link:

*This is NOT client side* and mounting will not get rid of your ability to fly! This will probably work with all quests that allow you to gain the buff "Fleet Winds" but I have not tested it yet. The NPC that gives this quest is called Instructor Windblade

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