
This trick involves a simple oversight from blizzard.

What we will be doing, is kiting the mob "Kor'Kron Motivator" from just outside org, into org, and letting him wreak havoc!
The mob is a lvl 90 elite with 3939k health. It hits VERY hard, and I manage to just keep myself alive as a geared 90 healer.

You can also use the Grunts nearby in the packs, they have the same skill-set. I like fearing them as a method of kiting them, and I bring 4-5 of them into org.

Basically, it does a "cleave" attack very frequently (every few seconds), and what you must do is kite it next to someone and wait for the CLEAVE!

I kited it into the AH and killed all of those annoying AH bots that sit there all day.

Guards do not attack it as it is considered not an enemy of the horde.

Below is where the mob is positioned, just outside Orgrimmar:

You must simply kite it by casting a DoT or such every couple of seconds.

Have fun guys!

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