
Since the feather-arena leaving method doesn't work anymore leaving me in deep sour I managed to find another method to get my title / toy loot finally.

  1. Get into the arena with the others.
  2. Before 20 sec of fight starting (use /timer) do Alt-F4.
  3. Wait for a good 4-5 minutes then log back in. 
  4. You should still be in arena and are still hostile to the remaining players. Now you can quickly vanish with "Stealthman 54" or whatever ability you have before they realized you - or either fight with them and get at least into the 2nd place, it's up to you.
  5. If you timing the login right, and log back in when only 1-2 person left, you may ended up getting this achievement / loot in no time.

- The coliseum acm is basically about how long you can survive without chasing by the others and this method nullifies the chance of getting ganked.
- Yes, I was able to get the acm and even the chest-looting on the 2nd place, still.
- You can try to stay logged out for more, I didn't test if you've been removed from the fight when only the last man standing or not. I got success on my 1st try, there was only 2 people fighting with eachothers when I logged back. Guy A finished off guy B then finished me off aswell. We both got the achievement and I was the faster with looting the chest.
- If anyone calls you for cheating ask them if they never got disconnected / if their ISP never went down for minutes.

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