
This if fairly minor, but in heroic Scholomance you can get the Polyformic Acid Potions (and the vials), and it's possible to dupe the vials to get more than 1 (though you can still only have 1 of each).
  • Step 1: Loot the empty vial from Professor Slate
  • Step 2: Click on the potion on the table he spawns next to
  • Step 3: Use the empty vial in your inventory
  • Step 4: Click the potion again
  • Step 5: Use your nearly full vial - You should now have 2 instances of the Polyformic Acid Potion buff
  • Step 6: Use the empty vial again - You should now have a nearly full vial and a half full vial
  • Step 7: Use the half empty vial, then use the empty vial - You should have 1 nearly full and 1 nearly empty
  • Step 8: Repeat 3-6
This should leave you with 1 nearly full, 1 half full, and 1 nearly empty vial. You can then click the potion and have the buff as well.

As I said, minor, but if you like the model this will leave you with 6 hours of the transformation stored up, and 1 full hour on the buff, leaving you running to Scholo about half as often.

It's not a true dupe, since it still leaves you with 1 of each instead of a potentially infinite amount of nearly full ones.
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