
 The rising popularity of consuming cannabis-derived products didn't stop at weed or medical marijuana. CBD is gaining more attention due to its medicinal benefits. According to a recent report, the worldwide CBD market is expected to surpass $23.6 billion in revenue by 2025. With an anticipated compound annual growth rate of 21.2% by 2028, the future looks bright for companies that embrace CBD's growing popularity.

North America maintains its position as the continent with the greatest share of the global CBD industry, but it may not hold on to that dominance for long. Europe is closing the gap, with a market share of 31%, which experts predict will surpass North America's geographic demand by 2021.

Why is CBD essential for Medical Purposes?

Cannabidiol is an active chemical compound that has been known for its ability to treat various medical conditions. This cannabinoid does what it does because it interacts with your body's Endocannabinoid System (ECS).

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Compared to Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC — which gives marijuana its psychoactive effect — CBD may not seem too special. This isn't true at all, however: what makes CBD so unique and popular is what it doesn't do—THC.

What can you get from CBD?


The FDA recently approved a CBD drug called Epidiolex to be used with children's epilepsy. CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol discovered in the 1960s because of its high concentration in cannabis (hemp). It's what you get when you extract oil from the cannabis plant, but not THC (which produces psychoactive effects in your body).


What sets CBD apart from THC?

The main difference between what enables these two components of cannabis to produce different effects on those who consume them comes down to one distinct characteristic: proportion. THC is what you could consider the "marijuana" of the two, with CBD being what has come to be known as the "hemp."

What are the different ways to consume CBD? 

Photo by Tree of Life Seeds from Pexels


There are different ways to consume CBD, and all those methods have expanded over the years based on how it works for each person. Some of the common ways people take CBD include Vaping, Edibles, Concentrates, Topicals, Lotions, Capsules, etc. However, the best way to consume CBD is through gummies. You can prefer best-selling CBD gummies by Sundayscaries according to your taste preferences.

Some of the health benefits that CBD has been proven include:

1. It Helps Reduce Chronic Pain and Inflammation

It stimulates your body's endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for regulating homeostasis, sleep, appetite, and mood.


2. Helps Reduce Anxiety and Depression Symptoms

The Endocannabinoid system plays a vital role in mood, memory, sleep, and appetite by regulating those functions. This is why CBD is effective with those issues too. Studies also suggest that it may also help in smoking cessation.

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3. It Boosts Appetite

CBD, unlike THC, is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid. This means that CBD will not cause any effects such as memory impairment. Where it does come into play, however, is in your appetite. CBD has been known to stimulate hunger and raise appetite, so you will start eating and even overeating.

4. It helps to treat epilepsy and seizures

A well-researched benefit of CBD use among children. Evidence shows that it can reduce seizures by up to about 40% in people with treatment-resistant forms of epilepsy, which means that even traditional medications are not effective with the condition.

 Future of CBD in Health and Wellness Industry

Until recently, the absence of comprehensive laws and a plethora of onerous limitations surrounding CBD products have hindered market development. This has allowed fraudulent advertising to customers via unverified claims and product promises and the introduction of items that do not satisfy safety standards or quality controls.

CBD sales in the health sector will continue to increase due to legislation progressing toward regulations and standards, such as accuracy and quality assurance standards. This opens up excellent possibilities for businesses already operating in the healthcare field, food and beverage, cosmetics, and other industries.

Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels

The organizations aim to partner with global companies looking for quality. Wellness businesses may benefit from Valens's significant expertise in cannabinoid-based science and technology by employing a one-stop-shop business model.

Pharmaceutical companies solely create the greatest quality extracts through best-in-class extraction and analytical testing. Partners may rely on their items being regulated and free of adulterants or fillers. The expanding businesses provide a full range of services to meet the requirements of the growing wellness sector, including formulation, product development, white labeling, and custom manufacturing. 


Although not everyone agrees on exactly what should be done, what can't be argued against is how much this has impacted those who use cannabis-related products medicinally and those who enjoy using them recreationally. It's not difficult to picture a more extensive future for the cannabis business. Cannabis is now permitted for recreational use in Canada, followed by many US states, and is gaining steam throughout the EU. While the UK is still in its infancy regarding THC-rich cannabis (currently permitted only for a few medical issues), it's to expect that trend to change in the coming years.








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